Resultados de la búsqueda

    4 Resultados
  • Lars Lamade - Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board - posee un MBA in Economics & IT de University of Cooperative Education, Mannheim.
    SAP - Software - Alemania
  • Joachim Moerbt - Vice President Customer Support - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Electrical engineering, automation technology de University of Cooperative Education, Mannheim.
    Advantest Europe - Semiconductores - Alemania
  • Sigmar Keller - Chief Executive Officer, Telespazio Germany - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business and Managerial Economics de University of Cooperative Education, Mannheim.
    Telespazio - Telecomunicaciones - Italia
  • Sigmar Keller - Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business and Managerial Economics de University of Cooperative Education, Mannheim.
    Telespazio Germany - Aeronáutica - Alemania

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